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Denomination: Lutheran Church

Welcome to Zion Lutheran Church. We invite you to join us in Sunday morning or weekday evening worship or in one of our Bible Study or fellowship events.

We care about you. Our desire is to introduce you to Jesus Christ and to walk with you as you grow a deeper relationship with Jesus our Lord. Our Loving God wants us to live a full life on this Earth and to spend an eternity with Him in Heaven. This is possible through our faith in Jesus Christ who died for our sins on the cross.

Regardless of where you are in life, there is a place for you at Zion Lutheran Church. We want to share with the whole world the good news of Jesus and His love for all people. Jesus is your Savior and He invites you to believe in Him.

We offer ourselves and our ministries to you. Make yourself at home. We are glad to see you.

Our Vision

Our community will know Zion as a place where caring people serve as the "hands of Christ". We will be known as an inviting people, available and ready to meet the needs on un-churched people and eager to share Christ.

Our guests will be welcomed warmly by loving people that model Christ. We will love our guests, helping them to become involved in our congregation. They will be invited to return, and many will join our family of faith.

Our members will be united in Christ, nurtured in their faith, encouraged and equipped to serve, and empowered to lead. We will welcome others to our growing congregation. The Word will be taught and we will pray together. We are called to save souls!

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10:30AM Sunday Morning Worship

9:15AM Sunday School

9:15AM Adult Bible Classes

173 Hale Dr Wabash Indiana United States 46992-3823

  • Gerald Gauthier

  • Church Secretary
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