Denomination: Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Christian Perfection:
Every Christian must strive for perfection and should evidence some progress in that direction.
Universal Redemption:
Jesus Christ died for all people and that all people can be saved. Acceptance by Jesus Christ has nothing to do with one's status in life or with one's position or possessions.
Justification by Faith:
A person is saved by faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ alone. The service of the Christian life is an expression of one's faith. It is the unmerited love of God in Jesus Christ, that men and women are saved and not because of anything they do.
The Witness of the Holy Spirit:
The inner certainty which each Christian can have that he/she is a child of God as well as the conviction that God is at work in the world and in the life of the believer bringing about His Kingdom gives credence to the witness of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life.
Falling from Grace:
The real possibility that a Christian can live in such a way that he/she rejects God's grace even though it was once accepted.
The Sacraments:
Are "visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace" instituted by Jesus Christ. There are two sacraments observed by our Church: Baptism and The Lord's Supper.
Christian Perfection:
Every Christian must strive for perfection and should evidence some progress in that direction.
Universal Redemption:
Jesus Christ died for all people and that all people can be saved. Acceptance by Jesus Christ has nothing to do with one's status in life or with one's position or possessions.
Justification by Faith:
A person is saved by faith in the saving grace of Jesus Christ alone. The service of the Christian life is an expression of one's faith. It is the unmerited love of God in Jesus Christ, that men and women are saved and not because of anything they do.
The Witness of the Holy Spirit:
The inner certainty which each Christian can have that he/she is a child of God as well as the conviction that God is at work in the world and in the life of the believer bringing about His Kingdom gives credence to the witness of the Holy Spirit in the believer's life.
Falling from Grace:
The real possibility that a Christian can live in such a way that he/she rejects God's grace even though it was once accepted.
The Sacraments:
Are "visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace" instituted by Jesus Christ. There are two sacraments observed by our Church: Baptism and The Lord's Supper.