Denomination: Anglican Church
Kia Ora, A warm welcome from Victory Church. Whether you’re simply curious or seriously seeking, you will find life and belonging in our growing church family. Our vision statement is simply ‘Cross culture. Life in Jesus shared.’ Jesus said that he came to bring life – more and better than we can ever dream of. He calls us to discover our life in his, and to live our life in community. We celebrate the fact that we are such a diverse people of different cultures, ages and backgrounds. We love how God is bringing us together into one family with Jesus at the centre. We are committed to forming deep and supportive friendships, and reaching out to our community with the life-transforming goodness that Jesus brings.
We welcome and invite you to be part of this extraordinary life-changing, life-challenging community that Jesus has called us to be. We look forward to meeting you.
We welcome and invite you to be part of this extraordinary life-changing, life-challenging community that Jesus has called us to be. We look forward to meeting you.