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Denomination: Anglican Church

Trinity Church has deep roots in Cornwall. Founded in 1787, we are well into our third century of worship and service together, loving God and loving our neighbours.

Our prayer is to become the body of Christ in this place and in this time. As we pray that prayer, we trust that we are allowing God to embody the ministry of Jesus Christ - forgiveness, reconciliation, and the promise of new life - through us.

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Trinity Church
11:00AM Holy Eucharist

Livestream Sunday services at 11AM with St. Lawrence Parish.

Click the link below to visit our Facebook page at the scheduled times

St. John the Evangelist
9:00AM Holy Eucharist

Christ Church Seaway
9:00AM Holy Eucharist

105 Second Street West Cornwall Ontario Canada K6J 1G4

  • Father Adam Brown

    Incumbent (Rector)
  • Stephen Barkway

    Parish Administrator
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