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Denomination: Salvation Army

The Salvation Army at North York Temple has a strong commitment to excellence in traditional Salvation Army worship utilizing traditional music tools such as Band and Songsters, Worship Team, Singing Company and Junior Band as well as Timbrels and other performance related arts (drama, puppets etc.).

A vibrant preaching/teaching ministry is woven through this as well along with teaching ministries geared specifically to children and youth helping to develop mature disciples of Jesus and better soldiers of The Salvation Army.

Special public seasonal events, meetings, meals, fellowship, outreach, etc are conducted at Easter and Christmas as well as in September when traditional programs are being reborn after the summer hiatus.

​​Involvement of our youth in various divisional and territorial special events is also an ongoing interest and strongly supported avenue of development for our young people.

Another aspect would certainly be our Family Services and related ministries. North York Temple continues to reach out to the surrounding community seeking to ascertain and meet the very pragmatic needs of families and individuals.

Our food bank sees a steady flow of clients, our camping outreach is utilized, and our Christmas effort is quite involved and impactful as hundreds of families receive food and toys.

Our English Conversation Class also is an effective outreach tool and continues to meet a very real need in this neighbourhood.

We also have a vibrant Seniors ministry that is quite popular and effective among this highly respected group in our Corps but reaching beyond our walls as well.

​Come for a visit! You are welcome!

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Our meetings start at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday.

Please join us at

25 Centre Ave.
North York, Ontario
M2M 2L4

25 Centre Avenue Toronto Ontario Canada M2M 2L4

  • Major D Allen

  • Norma Pineda

    Office Administrator
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