Denomination: Church of God
We believe…
That all Scripture is inspired of God and should be the basis for all spiritual doctrine.
In the Trinity--the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
That Jesus Christ is divine and was born of a virgin.
That all men are sinners and must be saved.
That Christ died for all mankind, rose again, and ascended to the right hand of God, the Father.
That salvation alone (being born again through repentance and regeneration) makes one a member of the body of Christ.
That there are two witnesses--the Word and the Spirit--that serve as a guide for every Christian.
Through Christ's power, we can live a Christian, sin-free life.
In Christ's return, the resurrection of the dead, and final judgment of all mankind.
That most of the Book of Revelation has already been fulfilled.
In the ordinances of water baptism (immersion), the Lord's supper, and feet washing.
That the work of God (both home and abroad) is supported with tithes and free-will offerings from the local congregation.
That a pastor stands as the "watchman on the wall" for the "perfecting of the saints."
In the unity and fellowship of God's people.
That all Scripture is inspired of God and should be the basis for all spiritual doctrine.
In the Trinity--the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
That Jesus Christ is divine and was born of a virgin.
That all men are sinners and must be saved.
That Christ died for all mankind, rose again, and ascended to the right hand of God, the Father.
That salvation alone (being born again through repentance and regeneration) makes one a member of the body of Christ.
That there are two witnesses--the Word and the Spirit--that serve as a guide for every Christian.
Through Christ's power, we can live a Christian, sin-free life.
In Christ's return, the resurrection of the dead, and final judgment of all mankind.
That most of the Book of Revelation has already been fulfilled.
In the ordinances of water baptism (immersion), the Lord's supper, and feet washing.
That the work of God (both home and abroad) is supported with tithes and free-will offerings from the local congregation.
That a pastor stands as the "watchman on the wall" for the "perfecting of the saints."
In the unity and fellowship of God's people.