Denomination: Lutheran Church
What We Believe
Scripture Alone
We believe that the Holy Scriptures in their entirety are the inspired and infallible Word of God and that they alone are the only source and standard of faith and life for the Christian. We believe that the Bible is complete and requires no additions from any other source and that it clearly reveals God’s plan of salvation for mankind.
Faith Alone
We believe that mankind was originally created holy by God but later rebelled against God and is now, by nature, spiritually dead and blind. Only when we are brought to faith by the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God are we saved from being forever separated from God. Faith is God’s work-not man’s-and comes only by hearing the Word of God or when the Word is joined with water in Baptism. Man is justified (made right) before God by faith alone and not by good deeds.
Grace Alone
We believe that we are saved by grace alone and that man cannot earn his way into God’s favor. Grace is the undeserved love and favor of God who sent His Son Jesus into the world to take our place under God’s law and to suffer and die to pay the penalty for our sins. Victory was sealed by His resurrection on the first Easter morning. Whoever trusts in Jesus Christ will not perish but have everlasting life.
Scripture Alone
We believe that the Holy Scriptures in their entirety are the inspired and infallible Word of God and that they alone are the only source and standard of faith and life for the Christian. We believe that the Bible is complete and requires no additions from any other source and that it clearly reveals God’s plan of salvation for mankind.
Faith Alone
We believe that mankind was originally created holy by God but later rebelled against God and is now, by nature, spiritually dead and blind. Only when we are brought to faith by the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God are we saved from being forever separated from God. Faith is God’s work-not man’s-and comes only by hearing the Word of God or when the Word is joined with water in Baptism. Man is justified (made right) before God by faith alone and not by good deeds.
Grace Alone
We believe that we are saved by grace alone and that man cannot earn his way into God’s favor. Grace is the undeserved love and favor of God who sent His Son Jesus into the world to take our place under God’s law and to suffer and die to pay the penalty for our sins. Victory was sealed by His resurrection on the first Easter morning. Whoever trusts in Jesus Christ will not perish but have everlasting life.