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Denomination: Evangelical Lutheran

St. Peter's Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. "Evangelical" means "Good News," and it is our mission and ministry to share the "Good News" of God's love for all creation through Jesus Christ by our words and actions.

Our Mission Statement is "Walking with Jesus, Sharing God's Love."

St. Peter's Lutheran Church is in a shared ministry partnership with Faith Lutheran Church, Logansport.

Every 5th Sunday we share joint worship at 9am--the location alternates.

Schedule of joint worship dates/locations:

12/30/18 - "Lessons and Carols" Joint worship service at Faith at 9am

3/31/19 - Joint worship service at St. Peter's at 9am

6/30/19 - Joint worship service at Faith at 9am

9/29/19 - Joint worship service at St. Peter's at 9am

12/29/19 - Joint worship service at Faith at 9am

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Worship: 8:30am Sundays

Our service is easy to follow using two large screens in the sanctuary. It involves singing, reading scripture, preaching, and receiving holy communion on the 1st Sunday of the month.

***Every 5th Sunday we share a joint worship service with Faith Lutheran Church, Logansport***

282 W. Cumberland St. Camden Indiana United States 46917

  • The Rev. Marissa Tweed Harrison

  • Amy Guckien

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