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Denomination: Roman Catholic

St. Mary Magdalene is a Catholic community situated on the corner of Merrydale Avenue and Sunflower Road in Lentegeur (opposite Lentegeur Civic Centre), Mitchell`s Plain, Cape Town, South Africa.

It is one of the largest Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Cape Town and has approximately about 1500 families. It is a growing community, with a lot of young couples and familes moving into the parish. As a parish we celebrate the sacrament of Baptism every last Saturday of the month at the 18h00 Mass and we avarage fourteen baptisms a month. The parish has various societies such as the Saint Vincent de Paul, Exploring Scripture Together,Youth, The Legion of Mary, Choir, Charismatic Prayer Group, Altar Servers, Senior Citizens Club, Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Co11:55 16/05/2007mmunion, Lectors, Fundraising Committee, Liturgcal Dancers, Ministers of Hospitality and Parenting Skills Facilitators which endeavours to serve the various needs of its parishioners which are spread out in thirteen areas of Mitchells Plain.

As a parish we are also very proud of our Catechetical programme, in that we follow the RCIA from the foundational phases of Catechetics to the Adults. Our Catechetical programme follows the Church's liturgical calender and begins in the season of Advent until the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King.

St. Mary Magdalene opened its doors in 1981 and last year celebrated its 25th Anniversary with a variety of functions and liturgical celebrations that lasted the whole of last year.

For the majority of its 25 year history, it was served by the Salesian priests. Previous Parish priests included Fathers Donaghy, O'Neill, Walsh, Power, McMahon, Boyle and Butler. Father Rohan is its first Diocesan priest. As of 1 February 2007, the Archbishop appointed Father Gavin Butler as the assistant priest in the parish. As a parish we have also been privileged to have the presence of the Holy Cross Sisters. Currently Srs Alma and Ursula live and work in the parish community.

The church has also recongnised its social responsibility in the light of the many problems in the area and have engaged in many programs such as the Caring group and parenting skills to help the local community in upliftment programs.

We can indeed be proud of what we have achieved during this time of grace and we pray for God's continued presence in all that we endeavour in the future. Our hopes for the future include renovating the Parish Church to accomodate the large number of parishioners, build a presbytery for the parish clergy, build a garden of remembrance and build a catechetical centre for the needs of the community and to increasing the parking facilities.

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Saturday (for Sunday) 17.30, Sunday 08.00 & 10.30

Monday 08.00, Tuesday-Friday 09.00, Saturday 08.00 (Convent), 1st Friday 09.00


Saturday 16.30-17.15, Sunday 07.00-07.45 and on request


Holy Hour Wednesdays at 19.00


Saturday 09.00-10.00 1st Confession & 1st Communion;
Sunday 09.15-10.15 Grades 1&2, 5&6;
Monday 18.15-19.30 Confirmation;
Tuesday 18.15-19.30 Confirmation;
Sunday 09.15-10.15 Pre-Confirmation;
Thursday 18.15-19.30 Confirmation

2 Sunflower Steet Lentegeur Western Cape South Africa 7785

  • Fr Jeremiah Gama OMI

    Parish Priest
  • Ms Miriam Nelson-Alexander

    Parish Secretary
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