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Denomination: Anglican Church

St. Martin's Anglican Church is located in the Upper Lonsdale area of North Vancouver. We are part of the Anglican Church of Canada and we are within the Diocese of New Westminster.

We offer two services each Sunday, the 8:00 am and the 10:00 am service.

We welcome you to visit us one Sunday.

St. Martin's Church has been present in the Upper Lonsdale area since 1910. Originally the church was situated at the Corner of Queen's and Lonsdale, where the Esso gas station is now located. It moved to its current location in 1923. Seven years later the small church was moved 90 degrees. Following the turn, the building was raised to allow for a church hall underneath.

Numerous changes and additions then followed over the years, leaving us with our current building and church hall.

While the Sanctuary provides us with a spiritual space, the Hall provides us with a social space which is well used by both the church congregation and the wider community.

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Sunday 8:00 am: BCP, no music

Sunday 10:00 am: BCP, Sung Liturgy with Sunday School (Parent Participation)

Sunday 10:00 am: 2nd Sunday of each month is Sung Matins from the BCP

Sunday 10:00 am: 4th Sunday of each month uses the BAS liturgy with Sunday School (Parent Participation).

St. Martin's is a community that is deeply rooted and formed by the theology, liturgy and tradition of the Book of Common Prayer while at the same time embracing the breadth and depth of the Anglican Tradition. Our liturgical life therefore uses both the Book of Common prayer (BCP) and the Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Our 8:00am service is from the BCP and is a said service. The 10:00 am is a sung liturgy with choir.

We would be delighted to have your children and youth participate at both liturgies. For your convenience there is a designated children area in the back of the church. The 10:00 am service includes a parent participation Sunday School program as well.

195 East Windsor Road North Vancouver British Columbia Canada V7N 1J9

  • Father Robin Ruder-Celiz

  • Sarah Sykes

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