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Denomination: Roman Catholic

St. Martin Of Tours Parish welcomes Christians and those who seek to understand Christianity in the Mississauga area. Our aim is to make contact with and encourage others to join us in our life-enhancing Christian journey.
St. Martin Of Tours Parish at Mississauga, Ontario is a friendly Christian community where we welcome others to join us in our worship and service to God. Our emphasis is on learning and understanding the Bible and following the example of Jesus and his followers.
The vision of St. Martin Of Tours Parish is to make an impact for God, here in Mississauga, Ontario by helping people understand the enriching messages of eternal hope given to us by Jesus Christ through His words and deeds. Come just as you are - we'd love to get to know you better.

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Lenten Season 2021 - St Martin of Tours Parish

As we enter into the Season of Lent on Ash Wednesday February 17 I wish to announce the following:

Livestream of Ash Wednesday February 17, 8.30am Mass
Playback of Ash Wednesday Mass will be available in our Parish Website.

Holy Communion with Distribution of Ashes

Ash Wednesday, February 17th 9:00am—12:00 Noon and 4:00pm—8:00pm

Ash Thursday, February 18th 4:00pm—8:00pm
Ash Friday, February 19th 4:00pm—6:30pm

Given the anticipated demand for these services the Cardinal has allowed us to offer the communion service with distribution of ashes on the days following Ash Wednesday as well. Group of 24 people for every 30 minutes time slot. Please come on time. To sign up for a Holy Communion Service with Distribution of Ashes please either use Eventbrite or if you know of anyone who does not have a computer please ask them to leave a message at the parish office (905) 279 5742 with their name and telephone number. Our parish office will return their call and advise them of the date and time booked for them.

Holy Communion with Distribution of Ashes (Eventbrite Link)

Fridays During Lent

To allow more time for personal visits and the individual praying of The Stations of the Cross the church will be open each Friday during Lent from 9 am to 12.00 Noon and 5 pm to 7 pm with printed copies of the Stations of the Cross available for use in the church. Stations of the Cross at 7.00 pm followed by Holy Mass (live streaming).

Communion Service During Lent

Saturdays 6:00pm—7:00pm
Sundays 9:00am—2:00pm

Our thoughts and prayers are with all our parishioners and all who are affected by this pandemic and working in the frontlines.

Please feel free to contact me or our parish staff for any of your spiritual needs by phone or by email. We are more than happy to be there for you.

Looking forward to the day when this ordeal is over and to celebrate our faith together as one happy parish family. I wish you all a fruitful Lenten journey!

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Gijo

1290 McBride Avenue Mississauga Ontario Canada L5C 1M8

  • Fr. Gijo Muthanattu O. Carm

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