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Denomination: Roman Catholic

Our Parish is formed of three local church communities: St Dominic’s Torrance, St Machan’s Lennoxtown and St Paul’s Milton of Campsie.

St Machan's is a Parish of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh, a Charity registered in Scotland - Number SC008540

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Week beginning Sunday 6th August 2023

Sunday The Transfiguration of the Lord 11:45am Mass

Monday Feria 9:30am Mass
Tuesday St Dominic 6:00pm Mass
Wednesday Feria -
Thursday St Lawrence -
Friday St Clare 10:00am Mass

Saturday Feria 5:30pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 19th Sunday of the Year (A) 11:45am Mass

Chapel Street Lennoxtown East Dunbartonshire United Kingdom G66 7DE

  • Fr Jeremy Bath

    Parish Priest
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