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Denomination: Anglican Church

Thank you for visiting us and for getting this far.

My name is Grace and I am the new Vicar (since February 2014) for St Luke's Leagrave.

My husband and I are new to Luton, but are looking forward to making new friends and getting to know this town. We have already been warmly welcomed.

You may be thinking Why Luton and Why be a vicar?

At the heart of these questions are 'Why are you a Christian?',' Why do you bother with Christian Spirituality?' My answers are in these words which Jesus of Nazareth said: I came that they may have life and have it abundantly' (John 10:10).

There was a time in my life when I ignored God, thought I could do better on my own, have more fun, be free to be who I really wanted to be. But the reverse happened. I grew dissatisfied with the shallow monotony of what Iw as supposed to find pleasure in. Since orientating my life around Jesus Christ my life has gone from dull grey to technicolour. I've not been immune to the hardships of life, but following Jesus has physically taken me to new places, has emotionally and spiritually shown me who I am, who I was created to be, has given me depth of meaning, freedom from past mistakes, new life for today and hope for the future.

It is this promise of abundant life that I hope to share with all I meet and I hope that this will become a hallmark of St Luke's Leagrave. A place of abundant life.

Rev Grace Sentamu Baverstock

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Sunday Services

8.00 a.m. Holy Communion with sermon

9.30 a.m. Sung Eucharist, Creche and Junior and Youth Church
followed by Parish Breakfast in the Hall
(1st Sunday of each month Parade Service or All Age Eucharist)

12 noon (when no Baptism). Christian Pilgrims' Church

6.00p.m. No service

Midweek Services

All mid week services are held in the Lady Chapel - entrance underneath the arches at the front of the church

9.30a.m. Morning Prayer

No service

9.30a.m. Morning Prayer
12 noon Holy Communion & 'Laying on of hands'

First Thursday only: 9.30a.m. Holy Communion

9.30a.m. Morning Prayer

We are currently meeting online

Worship online - We are not streaming services but there is a wealth of excellent and life-giving services online.

At St Luke's our main desire is that you to connect with God. Our weekly news page has bible readings and prayers for the week. Go to our weekly News page. Below is a list of some on line places to try:

Church of England website:

This has daily services and Sunday services being streamed
Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services. It is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 and has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services just now.

St Hugh's Lewsey:

Just down the road from us, with an excellent Sunday service (streamed and recorded) and worship songs on their YouTube channel.

Gas Street Birmingham:

An Anglican church that meet online every Sunday at 11am & 6pm

Emmaus Road:

is based in Guildford and led by Pete Grieg who founded the 24/7 prayer movement.

Saddleback Kids Church at home: Saddleback Kids YouTube Channel

They have two sessions: one for kindergarten and 'elementary' which is older primary school-aged children.
Both have the same content, but presented in age-appropriate ways.

LECTIO 365 is a daily devotional resource that helps you pray the Bible every day.

High Street Leagrave Luton Bedfordshire United Kingdom LU4 9JY

  • Rev. Grace Sentamu Baverstock

  • Keith Potts

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