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Denomination: Roman Catholic

On behalf of of our Parish Team, Parish Pastoral Council and Parishioners, I welcome you to our Parish. We are very proud of our parish, with its tremendous community spirit and neighbourly care. We are proud too of our churches and schools, and most especially our Lalor Centre which is beautiful in its building and beautiful in the loving work it carries out.

We travel the road of life together, supporting each other on the journey. We must never forget that God is with us on this busy and sometimes difficult journey.

A wise old Laois man said to me one day: ‘Take it handy’. It’s great advice if we can remember and put it into practice. Be still for a few minutes each day. Tap into the Power, the Fountain, the Well or as we might say it nowadays ‘get online’ to the Source of all that is good and beautiful and then you yourself will be truly blessed and made a difference.

Lord God, bless our world with your peace. Guide all of us on our journey and accompany us on our pilgrim way. Help us to find the Pathway that you have mapped out for us and becomes our delight.

“Take it handy”
Tommy Dillon, Parish Priest

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Mass Times Baltinglass

Mass Times for St. Joseph’s Church, Baltinglass

Saturday Vigil:- 6pm – Confessions immediately after the 6pm Mass.

Sunday:- 11.00 am
Mass on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday:- 10.00 am in St. Paul’s Oratory

Note: On Tuesday, Liturgy of the Word & Holy Communion 10.00 am in St. Paul’s Oratory

Main Street / Weaver's Square Baltinglass County Wicklow Ireland

  • Fr. Ger Ahern P.P.

    Parish Priest
  • Maria Humphreys

    Parish Secretary
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