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Denomination: Roman Catholic

St. Jarlath's Church

A place of worship has stood on or near the present St. Jarlaths church since the time of St. Patrick.

Fr. Benedict O'Cullen was its priest in 1369 and a succession of parish priests can be traced with reasonable accuracy until after the reformation when we find FR. John O'Cullen being ousted because of the legislation of Henry VIII. It is recorded that the O'Cullen family of Clonfeacle gave many eminent clergy not only to their native parish but to other parishes in the archdiocese of Armagh in those difficult years.

The last of them Fr. James Cullen who served under St. Oliver Plunkett died in 1683. A magnificent stone in the adjacent cemetery marks his resting place.

The present church of St. Jarlaths was built in 1780. Fr. Bernard Quinn was the Parish Priest. It is one of the oldest in the archdiocese of Armagh. In keeping with the restriction imposed at the time it was a lowly building set well back form the road and with only a side entrance.

St. Jarlaths Church was refurbished during the pastorate of Fr. Vincent Darragh. The Liturgy for the dedication of the new altar by Archbishop Sean Brady, Coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh, took place on 10th September 1995.

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Mass Times:

Sunday 9.00 am, 11.30 am

Monday 10.00 am
Wednesday 10.00 am

Eucharistic Adoration:

Tuesday 10.30 am - 8.00 pm

Clonfeacle Road Blackwatertown County Tyrone United Kingdom BT71 7HP

  • Very Rev John Connolly, PP

    Parish Priest
  • Oliver Brannigan

    Parish Safeguarding Representative
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