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Denomination: Catholic Church

Stratford is one of the older Catholic missions in the diocese, having been established by 1770. The present church was built as a combined school and chapel in the 1860s, in a stripped Classical style reminiscent in some respects of Nonconformist chapels of the period, though with Italianate detailing. The sanctuary addition of 1931 has a marble altar and reredos incorporating a sixteenth-century painting of St Francis by Bartolommeo Carducci.

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Mass Schedule

6:00 pm

Sunday – 10:15am (Children’s liturgy)
And 6pm Polish Mass.

Trinity – Holloway Road E11
Sunday 9am

Weekday Masses
Monday to Friday

Holydays of Obligation
8am; 12:15 and 8pm

Bank holidays
Mass is at 10:00 am

Sacrament of reconciliation
10:30 - 11am & 5 – 5:30pm

160 Grove Crescent Stratford London United Kingdom E15 18J

  • Rev. Fr.Michael Copps

    Parish Priest
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