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Denomination: Anglican Church

We have been in the Hillcrest community for over 40yrs with many of those at the beginning still worshipping Jesus here. Three church’s of different denominations chose to come together Anglican, Methodist, Presbyterian. A group of Christians getting together to form a blended family. Today people are still together doing the Jesus thing of loving our neighbours.

It’s a place of welcoming for everyone from babies to grandparents.

It is our hope that you would find a place to belong here. No matter your background, culture or stage of life – you are welcome to be part of the st francis family as we value being a multicultural and intergenerational church.

We believe that for people to thrive in their faith, they need connection with others in community. Some of the key ways to ensure this happens is to serve alongside others, join a small group aimed at teaching and support for personal growth.

We have a strong desire not just to build the local church but to reach out beyond the four walls and bring change and blessing to our community, city, nation and the nations. We would love for you to be part of that, probably the best way is to show up on a Sunday and meet some of us properly. Then there are countless ways to join in the fun as we shoot at being the sort of family in which all sorts can belong.

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We meet Sunday mornings at St Francis, with CHAPEL 8am-9am, Family 10.00am-11.15am. Our service consists of worship, a message on scripture, and communion.

Godly Play for children 4-9yrs runs during the 10.00am service, check out the Godly Play Youtube account to see Godly Play in action:

Don’t rush off after the service, stay and connect with someone and have aa complimentary coffee or hot drink.


2021 Christmas Schedule

Christmas Eve
A beautiful candle-lit service with carols, readings, a short talk.
*vaccine certificate service

Christmas Day
A service with carols, readings, communion, a short talk.
*vaccine certificate service

92 Mansel Ave Hillcrest Waikato New Zealand 3216

  • The Reverend Tony Wescott

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