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Denomination: Roman Catholic

Boston Chinese Catholic Community

In 1967, Richard Cardinal Cushing invited Rev. Francis Li from Hong Kong, who was fluent in several Chinese dialects, to St. James Church as Assistant Pastor. This formalized the Archdiocese's mission and plan to include immigrant and native-born Chinese as an integral part of its ministry. Fr. Li was BCCC's leader from 1967-1970. His pioneering work was succeeded by Fr. Walter Martin, SJ, Fr. Tom Szeliga, SDB, Fr. Stanley Pavlin, SDB, Fr. Lucas Leung, OFM, and Fr. John Hines, MM. From 1992 to 2002, Fr. Denis Como, SJ, served as the chaplain of BCCC and the Director of the Chinese Catholic Pastoral Center. From fall 2003 to spring 2006, Fr. Anselm Lam was the Spiritual Advisor of BCCC. From Oct 30, 2007 to Aug 23, 2009, Fr. Thomas Kopp was the Pastor of St. James the Greater Church. Starting on Aug 24, 2009, Fr. Kevin O'Leary, Rector of the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, became the Administrator of St. James. On Jun 1, 2010, Fr. Peter Shen became the Parochial Vicar of St. James and the Spiritual Director of the BCCC.

The BCCC serves all Chinese Catholics from the Archdiocese of Boston even though its hosts/anchor church is at St. James the Greater, Boston (Chinatown), Massachusetts. The majority of BCCC members come from the Greater Boston area, but some live as far south as Mansfield, Brockton, Randolph and Rockland; as far west as Marlborough, Framingham and Sudbury; and as far north as Lowell, and Nashua, New Hampshire.

BCCC has a registered membership list of over 300 families consisting of more than 1,000 people. The predominant dialect is Cantonese, followed by Mandarin, Fujianese and Toishanese.

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2019 Mass Schedule 彌撒時間:

Every Sunday: - 8 a.m.: Mass in English in Our Lady's Chapel - 10 a.m.: Mass in Chinese in Upper Church

每主日: - 上午 8 時:英語彌撒在聖母小堂 - 上午 10 時:中文彌撒在樓上聖堂

1st & 3rd Sunday: 9 a.m.: Mass in Mandarin in Our Lady's Chapel 每月第一及第三主日: 上午 9 時: 普通話彌撒在聖母小堂

Every Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday: 9 a.m.: Mass in Our Lady's Chapel 每週星期一,星期二 和星期三: 上午 9 時:彌撒在聖母小堂

1st Saturday of each month (except July & August): 5 p.m.: Mass in Mandarin in Our Lady's Chapel 每月第一個星期六(7 月及 8 月除外):下午 5 時:普通話彌撒在聖母小堂

125 Harrison Avenue Boston Massachusetts United States 02111

  • Rev. Kevin O’Leary 奧奇勳神父

    Administrator 本堂神父
  • Rev. Joseph Zhang 張春祥神父

    Parochial Vicar 副本堂神父
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