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Denomination: Roman Catholic

Welcome to Saint Benedict Parish!

We believe that all are called to be on a spiritual journey and what matters is not where a person is on that journey, but actually being on the journey itself. Therefore, we seek to welcome all people regardless of the stage of their spiritual life, their struggles and failures.

Join us for Mass on Sunday! We'd like you to join us in person, but another way to join us online. We stream our Sunday 9am Mass every week, click here to watch!

When you do join us in person, please stop by the Welcome Centre for more information and to say hello.

You’re welcome to bring your children with you to Mass. Or, if you’d prefer, we have Wee One’s Word (WOW) which is church for wee ones, during the 9am Mass (year round).

We also have SHINE during the 9am and 11:15am Sunday Masses. SHINE is for elementary-aged children, takes place on the lower level (auditorium) and parents are asked to drop their children off (and sign them in) before Mass begins. Children (who are receiving Communion, or those preparing for the Sacrament) will then join their families upstairs at Mass at the mid-way point (other children can remain downstairs for the duration of Mass, at the discretion of their parents).

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Mass Times, Reconciliation, & Devotions

Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday: 9:00am
Anticipated Saturday: 4:00pm
Sunday Mass: 9:00am, 11:15am, 6:00pm


Saturday: 3:00pm to 3:45pm
Wednesday: 9:45am to 10:15am

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Wednesday: After the 9:00am Mass until 4:00pm (in the Saint Elizabeth Seton Chapel, with community hour from 2:00 to 3:00 pm).

Saint Elizabeth Seton Chapel

The Saint Elizabeth Seton Chapel is open Monday through Friday, from 8:00am to 4:00pm and anyone seeking a quiet space to pray and reflect is welcome!

Divine Office - Morning Prayer

Gather with others to pray the Office of Readings, Morning Prayer - on weekdays at 8:30am in the Saint Joseph Room.

Pray the Rosary

Join others in praying the rosary. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings immediately following Mass.


Come join us for Christmas!

Christmas Mass

Christmas Eve:
7:30pm Mass: Music by the 9am Band, with Christmas Carols starting at 7pm.
11pm Mass: Music by the 11:15am Choir, with Christmas Carols starting at 10:30pm. Please note: incense is used at this Mass.

Christmas Day:
9am Mass: Music by the 6pm Choir, with Christmas Carols starting at 8:30am.
11:15am Mass: Music by the Children’s Choir, with Christmas Carols starting at 10:45am.

Christmas Unplugged

Christmas Unplugged. It’s an hour-long, family-friendly Christmas service, and it starts at 4pm on Christmas Eve. There will be Christmas carols, preaching, and lots of fun! Oh, and a certain visitor from the North Pole will be dropping by…

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

December 31st
6pm Mass: Music by the 11:15am Choir. Please note: incense is used at this Mass.

January 1st
11:15am Mass: Music by the 6pm Choir.

45 Radcliffe Dr Halifax Nova Scotia Canada B3M 0E1

  • Fr. Simon Lobo, CC

  • Darlene Bonang

    Office Administration
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