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Denomination: Roman Catholic

Sacred Heart welcomes Christians and those who seek to understand Christianity in the Delta area. Our aim is to make contact with and encourage others to join us in our life-enhancing Christian journey.
Sacred Heart at Delta, British Columbia is a friendly Christian community where we welcome others to join us in our worship and service to God. Our emphasis is on learning and understanding the Bible and following the example of Jesus and his followers.
The vision of Sacred Heart is to make an impact for God, here in Delta, British Columbia by helping people understand the enriching messages of eternal hope given to us by Jesus Christ through His words and deeds. Come just as you are - we'd love to get to know you better.

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Mass Times

The Lords Day Masses
Saturday: 5pm (Church)
Sunday: 9am, 11am, 5pm (Church)

Weekday Masses
Monday to Saturday: 9am (Chapel)

Filipino Mass
Last Sunday of the Month 7pm (Church)
Except July/August

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 10am to 11am (Chapel)

Baptism: Sunday @ 12:15pm
(Call office for appointment)
Baptismal Class:
Third Wednesday of the Month
7:00pm Monastery
Confirmation: Call PREP Office
Eucharistic Adoration:
First Friday of the month
10am to 5pm (Chapel)
Confessions: Saturday: 10am to 11am
(Chapel) or by appointment
Call Office at least six months prior to the date desired
Holy Order:
Becoming a priest/deacon: See Pastor
Anointing of the Sick: Call Office/Pastor
Funeral: Call Office
Mass Intentions: See office
Counseling: Call Office
Blessings: (House, Car etc.) Call Office

3900 Arthur Drive Delta British Columbia Canada V4K 3N5

  • Fr. Edgar Polotan, OSA

    Parish Priest
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