Denomination: Evangelical Friends International
Introduction to Reedwood Friends
As Quakers, we believe: Christ is present to us at all times, Christ is present in all places, Christ teaches all people, the Bible is key to theology, and silence and intentional listening may lead to the still, small voice that says: “this is the way of love.”
Reedwood Friends is a socially conscious community
Worship is contemplative, incorporating traditional and contemporary hymns, worship songs, messages, prayers, and recitations. Congregational participation is encouraged. Thank you for visiting the website. Call the church office for more information 503-234-5017.
As Quakers, we believe: Christ is present to us at all times, Christ is present in all places, Christ teaches all people, the Bible is key to theology, and silence and intentional listening may lead to the still, small voice that says: “this is the way of love.”
Reedwood Friends is a socially conscious community
Worship is contemplative, incorporating traditional and contemporary hymns, worship songs, messages, prayers, and recitations. Congregational participation is encouraged. Thank you for visiting the website. Call the church office for more information 503-234-5017.