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Denomination: The Fellowship

Parkland Baptist Church is a loving community of believers in Jesus Christ, on the east side of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.

We were formed in 1967, and since that time we have been a place where people can worship the Lord in spirit, in truth and in love and safety. We are an inclusive congregation that wishes to make a difference to our local community, our city, our province, our nation and the world. We invite you to come and visit us at any time.

What We Believe

These are paraphrased and excerpted from our constitution. For the full constitutional expression of our faith, click HERE.

The Bible

We believe the Bible to be the complete Word of God, made up of the sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments. All of it is verbally inspired by the Spirit of God and therefore entirely free from error. The Bible is the final authority in how we live our lives and our faith.


We believe in one Creator God who is a holy and eternal ruler of all. He exists as One God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Christ the Son

We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who existed before creation and who came in human form as Jesus - fully God and fully human. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His death to save us from our sins, His bodily resurrection, His triumphant ascension to heaven, His continuing care of believers and of the world and his personal return.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the Holy Spirit who exists with and is equal to the Father and the Son. He convinces people of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. He causes people to come to repentance and to believe in God. He enables us to become more holy. He shows us God's truth in His Word, and gives comfort to believers.


We believe that humanity was created by God in His image. Humanity's first parents sinned, becoming guilty before God. All humankind, therefore, is incapable of holiness, bringing upon us physical and spiritual death.


We believe that God sent Jesus Christ to die for our salvation from sin. Salvation comes when we put our faith in Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection. It is God who determines and enables us to come to salvation

Future Things

We believe that Jesus Christ will physically and gloriously return. Those who are dead, both the just and the unjust; the just will be eternally blessed and the unjust eternally punished.

The Local Church

We believe the church is a company of immersed believers whose leaders are pastors and deacons.

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Sunday AM Service 11:00am

Sunday PM Service 6:30pm

Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7:00pm

60 Melville Rd Sault Ste Marie Ontario Canada P6A 5J3

  • Rev. Daniel Muller

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