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Denomination: Churches of Christ

Welcome to Park Plaza Church of Christ! We have three locations in the Tulsa area, one near you. We welcome you to worship with us this Sunday as we praise God.

We are people striving to follow God, serving Him by serving others. Come visit us — we have a place for you!

Park Plaza Church of Christ was established in 1963 in Tulsa, Oklahoma in a local elementary school with a mission to effectively minister to the needs of the community by building a solid foundation for the church. To achieve that mission, we built a building at Park Plaza’s current location, now known as Park Plaza Church of Christ – Central. As our ministry efforts continued to expand into greater areas in the Tulsa community, two additional campuses were created in 2014 to include Park Plaza Church of Christ – Brookside and Park Plaza Church of Christ – Jenks.

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Sunday Worship Times

Early Service – 8:30am

Late Service – 11:00am

Evening Service – 6:00pm*

Bible Class Times
Sunday – 9:45am Classes for all ages
Wednesday – 7:00pm Classes for all ages

*Community Groups meet monthly. No evening service at the building on CG Sundays.

5925 East 51st Street Tulsa Oklahoma United States 74135

  • Mitch Wilburn

  • Rochelle Epperson

    Office Assistant
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