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Denomination: Roman Catholic

Our Mission

Our mission is to live and witness the gospel values in our community. We value hospitality and have it as our trademark. We provide a welcoming and strengthening community through liturgy, sacraments, instruction, support, and encouragement.

As the people of God we reach out in loving concern for those in need, partnering with others in the community.

We recognize and depend upon the gifts of all. We seek to enculturate the gospel message in our worship and instruction.

We implore the special intercession of Blessed Kateri (now Saint), St. Francis and St. Katharine Drexel.

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Mass Schedule:

Sundays: 9:30 am
Weekdays: Tuesday and Thursday: 5:15 pm, Friday: 7:30 am


Sunday: 8:30 am

173 Main Street Fort Defiance Arizona United States 86504-0070

  • Fr. Florecito Pabatao, OFM

  • Rita Hernasy

    Parish Secretary
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