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Denomination: Roman Catholic

We at North Central Windsor Catholic Family of Parishes are excited to welcome you to our flourishing community. We look forward to seeing you at Mass and at upcoming events. We welcome you with open arms and embrace you as what you already are, part of our family.

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Mass Schedule


5:00 PM Most Precious Blood
5:00 PM Our Lady of Guadalupe
5:00 PM St. Theresa


9:00 AM St. Theresa
10:00 AM Our Lady of Guadalupe
11:00 AM Most Precious Blood - American Sign Language Available
11:30 AM Sts. Cyril & Methodius
12:30 PM San Juan Diego (at Guadalupe Church)

Daily Mass

Tuesday 7:00 PM St. Theresa
Wednesday 9:30 AM Guadalupe
Thursday 8:30 AM MPB
Friday 8:30 AM MPB
Friday 9:00 AM Guadalupe


Our Lady of Guadalupe
Wednesdays 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM
Most Precious Blood
Thursdays 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Benediction at 3:00 PM


St. Theresa Tuesday 6:30 PM
Our Lady of Guadalupe Friday 9:30 AM
Most Precious Blood Saturday 11:00 AM

834 Raymo Road Windsor Ontario Canada N8Y 4A6

  • Father Greg Bonin

  • Christine Normandeau

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