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Denomination: Catholic Church


​We are a Catholic Faith community in West Surrey. Our parish comprises a number of villages, but is quite urban in places. It also encompasses very beautiful rural parts of Surrey. We are a flourishing community where about 650 people gather each Sunday for Mass.

We have our own parish Primary School and many young families make up a part of our diverse parish. We are engaged in many pastoral and social activities. Please see all the areas of our Parish Pastoral Plan.

We would be delighted to warmly welcome you in person to our parish.

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Sunday Masses:

Saturday 6pm (Vigil Mass)
Sunday 9.15am (includes Children's Liturgy) and 11am

​Weekday Masses:

Monday: 7pm
​Tuesday: 10am
​Wednesday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 10am to 10pm
​Thursday: 10am
​Friday: 10am
​Saturday: 10am (12 noon on the first Saturday of the month)

​Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions): Saturdays after Morning Mass and 5pm or by appointment

​Holy Days of Obligation: 7pm

Madeira Road West Byfleet Surrey United Kingdom KT14 6DH

  • Fr . Alex Hill

    Parish Priest
  • Lauren Callan

    Parish Secretary
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