Denomination: Evangelical Church of North America
WE ARE CHANGED - Above all things, we are in process. As God works in the life of our church, who we are is ever-changing. But so far we are changed. We all have different stories, but we all share one thing in common: we are being transformed by Jesus. WE ARE FAMILY - We share generously. We serve one another sacrificially. We pursue one another. We work together. WE ARE SENT - When Jesus called His disciples, He promised one thing: If they followed Him, He would make them "Fishers of Men." He did just that. He took ordinary people, transformed them into conduits of His love and grace, and sent them out. As He sent them, He sends us: to care for the poor, to love the community around us, and to proclaim the life-changing message that Jesus' death and resurrection changed everything. So we go.
WE ARE CHANGED - Above all things, we are in process. As God works in the life of our church, who we are is ever-changing. But so far we are changed. We all have different stories, but we all share one thing in common: we are being transformed by Jesus. WE ARE FAMILY - We share generously. We serve one another sacrificially. We pursue one another. We work together. WE ARE SENT - When Jesus called His disciples, He promised one thing: If they followed Him, He would make them "Fishers of Men." He did just that. He took ordinary people, transformed them into conduits of His love and grace, and sent them out. As He sent them, He sends us: to care for the poor, to love the community around us, and to proclaim the life-changing message that Jesus' death and resurrection changed everything. So we go.