Denomination: Baptist
Our Vision
MBC -Becoming a community for the community
Values: Christ-centred, Spirit-filled, Bible-based
What kind of community does God want us to become?
- a worshipping community, which honours God in all we do
- a praying community – seeking to know God’s heart, interceding for one another and the world.
- a missional community where mission is the agenda, not just an item on the agenda
- an inclusive community – which welcomes all
- a pastoral community – which helps hurting people to wholeness
- a disciple-making community – which equips people to serve and follow Jesus in the whole of life
- a prophetic community – which hears from God and speaks out God’s word
- a sacrificial community – which shares generously with others
Which community does God want us to be for?
- a local geographically based community
- a relational community
- the global community
How will we demonstrate that we are for the community?
• in evangelism - by reaching out in evangelism locally, and regionally along with others, equipping each person to be able to give a reason for the hope that is in them, wherever they spend their time.
• in social action – by initiating community based social action projects; partnering with other churches or community groups; and releasing church members to engage in social concern through existing groups which may not necessarily have a specifically Christian basis.
• in whole life discipleship - by helping Christians to live transformational lives as agents for change reflecting gospel values in all aspects of life.
• in world mission - by concern in prayer, giving and releasing personnel for the mission of the gospel within the UK and around the world.
• in social justice – by concern to see kingdom values influencing society.
• in fellowship - by actively seeking fellowship with others, locally, regionally and nationally as part of the wider body of Christ.
MBC -Becoming a community for the community
Values: Christ-centred, Spirit-filled, Bible-based
What kind of community does God want us to become?
- a worshipping community, which honours God in all we do
- a praying community – seeking to know God’s heart, interceding for one another and the world.
- a missional community where mission is the agenda, not just an item on the agenda
- an inclusive community – which welcomes all
- a pastoral community – which helps hurting people to wholeness
- a disciple-making community – which equips people to serve and follow Jesus in the whole of life
- a prophetic community – which hears from God and speaks out God’s word
- a sacrificial community – which shares generously with others
Which community does God want us to be for?
- a local geographically based community
- a relational community
- the global community
How will we demonstrate that we are for the community?
• in evangelism - by reaching out in evangelism locally, and regionally along with others, equipping each person to be able to give a reason for the hope that is in them, wherever they spend their time.
• in social action – by initiating community based social action projects; partnering with other churches or community groups; and releasing church members to engage in social concern through existing groups which may not necessarily have a specifically Christian basis.
• in whole life discipleship - by helping Christians to live transformational lives as agents for change reflecting gospel values in all aspects of life.
• in world mission - by concern in prayer, giving and releasing personnel for the mission of the gospel within the UK and around the world.
• in social justice – by concern to see kingdom values influencing society.
• in fellowship - by actively seeking fellowship with others, locally, regionally and nationally as part of the wider body of Christ.