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Denomination: Church of the Nazarene

Serving Christ, Honoring the Cowboy Heritage

A place for all people of the western heritage to come together and enjoy the fellowship of other Christians while growing in faith and knowledge.

Christ accepts all that are willing to confess and be saved and we accept you where you are in your walk of life, dirty boots and all.

Lone Star Cowboy Church not only believes in this open-arms concept, but lives it.

We have folks who come from different backgrounds, those who haven’t been in a church for many years and those who have never been in a church.

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Our Sunday Service starts at 10am with worship and 10:30 am for the message.

On the third Sunday’s of the month we host a Meet & Eat potluck at 11am. This is a great time to get to know others in the church body and eat some great food.

Wednesday at 7pm is Bible Study, usually running about a half an hour. This are a more in-depth exploration of the Word of God and Biblical principles.

Wednesdays at 7:30pm is practice for the worship team. If you have a musical gift and want to use it in the service of the Lord, swing by and check it out!

2244 Hwy. 84 W Mexia Texas United States 76667

  • Shane Winters

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