Denomination: Kenneth Hagin Ministries
Here at Life Family Church, we are all about Loving People, Winning People, Growing People and Sending People. The mission of LFC is to show God’s LOVE, WIN people to Christ, GROW believers in their faith and SEND them into God’s harvest field. As the body of believers here at LFC accomplish this mission, we will then fulfill God’s vision for our church. That vision is “Growing God’s Family Naturally and Spiritually”.
The leadership’s focus and goals for our church are found in Ephesians 4:11-12
Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. THEIR RESPONSIBILITY is to EQUIP GOD’S “PEOPLE” TO DO HIS WORK AND BUILD UP THE CHURCH, the body of Christ.
We want to empower believers so that they can use their gifts for HIS work!
Attending a new church can be uncomfortable. Let’s be honest, going to a new place full of people that you don’t know is intimidating. The first word in our mission statement is “LOVE”. What you will notice when you attend Life Family Church for the first time, is that we are like family; we are all about loving people the way God loves them. No matter what your background or status in life is, you will experience a loving and friendly church to call home.
Our praise and worship can be described as powerful at times and moving at others. Our pastors teach and preach God’s Word from a life application standpoint and how to be led by the Spirit. We invite you to join our family so that you can find your purpose and divine destiny in HIM!
Here at Life Family Church, we are all about Loving People, Winning People, Growing People and Sending People. The mission of LFC is to show God’s LOVE, WIN people to Christ, GROW believers in their faith and SEND them into God’s harvest field. As the body of believers here at LFC accomplish this mission, we will then fulfill God’s vision for our church. That vision is “Growing God’s Family Naturally and Spiritually”.
The leadership’s focus and goals for our church are found in Ephesians 4:11-12
Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. THEIR RESPONSIBILITY is to EQUIP GOD’S “PEOPLE” TO DO HIS WORK AND BUILD UP THE CHURCH, the body of Christ.
We want to empower believers so that they can use their gifts for HIS work!
Attending a new church can be uncomfortable. Let’s be honest, going to a new place full of people that you don’t know is intimidating. The first word in our mission statement is “LOVE”. What you will notice when you attend Life Family Church for the first time, is that we are like family; we are all about loving people the way God loves them. No matter what your background or status in life is, you will experience a loving and friendly church to call home.
Our praise and worship can be described as powerful at times and moving at others. Our pastors teach and preach God’s Word from a life application standpoint and how to be led by the Spirit. We invite you to join our family so that you can find your purpose and divine destiny in HIM!