Denomination: Gospel Hall Assemblies
We are a group of Christians who have personal faith in the Lord Jesus and have been saved by God’s amazing grace. In 1990 we began meeting as a local Church fellowship each Sunday at Brownell School. In 1995 the local Church relocated to the Lawson Heights Gospel Hall, 131 La Ronge Road.
We do not take any denominational name but meet as Christians who gather to the Name of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 18:20).
We meet for worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship and to keep the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:41-42).
We are gospel focused and want to share the good news of salvation. For this reason we regularly preach the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16-17).
We are Christ-centered. The goal of our ministry is to direct people to the Lord Jesus and have them experience the abundant life that we have living under His Lordship (Colossians 1:18).
We look to the Bible to guide us and recognize overseers/elders that provide shepherd care and leadership in the Church (1 Peter 5:2). The Christians at the Saskatoon Christian Assembly extend a welcome to attend the meetings of the local Church.
We do not take any denominational name but meet as Christians who gather to the Name of the Lord Jesus (Matthew 18:20).
We meet for worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship and to keep the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:41-42).
We are gospel focused and want to share the good news of salvation. For this reason we regularly preach the gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16-17).
We are Christ-centered. The goal of our ministry is to direct people to the Lord Jesus and have them experience the abundant life that we have living under His Lordship (Colossians 1:18).
We look to the Bible to guide us and recognize overseers/elders that provide shepherd care and leadership in the Church (1 Peter 5:2). The Christians at the Saskatoon Christian Assembly extend a welcome to attend the meetings of the local Church.