Denomination: Presbyterian Church in America
주님의 이륨으로 인사를 드립니다. 낙스빌 한인 사링교회는 진리에 티협하미 타락 해져가는 이 시대 가운데, 하니님이 원하시는 성경적인 교회를 세워 복음율 전파히고‘ 그리스도의 사랑을 니누기 위한 목적으로 2이1년 11월 13일에 세워쳤습니다 사랑교회 온 성도들은 예배를 통해 하나님께 잉광을 돋리고. 그리스도의 복옴을 전파하미. 성도의 교제를 동해 서로를 세워주고 훈련괴 교육을 통해 성숙한 그리스도인으로 양육하미. 선교외 봉시를 통해 교회와 지역시회를 심길 것 입니다 살아계신 히나님의 은혜와 평강이 가득 넘치길 기도드립니다.
낙스빌 한인 사랑교회
Greetings in the name of our Lord. Korean Sarang Church of Knoxville was founded in November 13th, 2011 with the purpose of building a biblical church, spreading the Gospel, and sharing Gods love. After that, we joined PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) denomination in November 11th, 2012_ All the members of Sarang Church glorify God through the worships, spread the Gospel, empower other through fellowship, nurture as mature christians through discipleship training, and serve community with mission and volunteer works. We pray that the grace and peace of the living God will be full in your life.
Korean Sarang Church of Knoxville
낙스빌 한인 사랑교회
Greetings in the name of our Lord. Korean Sarang Church of Knoxville was founded in November 13th, 2011 with the purpose of building a biblical church, spreading the Gospel, and sharing Gods love. After that, we joined PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) denomination in November 11th, 2012_ All the members of Sarang Church glorify God through the worships, spread the Gospel, empower other through fellowship, nurture as mature christians through discipleship training, and serve community with mission and volunteer works. We pray that the grace and peace of the living God will be full in your life.
Korean Sarang Church of Knoxville