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Denomination: Presbyterian Church

A caring Christian fellowship committed to God in worship, growth and service.

Knox Church is situated in Uptown Waterloo. Our neighbours are the Canadian Clay and Glass Museum, the Waterloo Public Library and the Waterloo Town Square shopping mall. Two universities, Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier are within walking distance. Our congregation is a wonderful mix of all ages and stages. With over 100 children in the church school program, we have a strong emphasis on ministry with children.

It is one of our goals as a congregation to grow in our sense of belonging to Christ and His Church. Our services are informal and friendly to the various ages and approaches to worship. We hope that newcomers will feel welcome in our midst!

Our Coffee Fellowship after the 10am Sunday service provides an informal time to get to know others. Look for our Welcome desk during coffee hour to help answer any questions you may have.

Through introductory courses in faith, like our popular “The Bible from Scratch” and our New Member’s Classes (held twice a year) we try to provide overviews of the Christian faith as well as introducing you to our congregational life and help you to meet others in the church.

Whatever might bring you to Knox Church, we hope you find renewed faith, new friends and new opportunities for the worship and service of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Peace and Great Joy!!
The minsters and congregation of Knox, Waterloo

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Worship Services

Sunday worship service at 10am.
Sunday School Program and Child Care provided

50 Erb Street West Waterloo Ontario Canada N2L 1T1

  • Rev Brooke and Linda Ashfield

  • Ruth Song

    Church Administrator
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