Denomination: Unitarian Universalist
Whoever you are, whomever you love, you are welcome here. You may be young or old, rich or poor and you are welcome here. Whether you walked in with assistance or have special needs, you are welcome here. And regardless of your religious or ethnic origins, you are most welcome here! We are glad you have joined us in our celebration of religious community.
We do not ask what you believe, nor expect you to think as we do. Rather, our community encourages its members to pursue the deepening of their own religious conviction. This liberal church is united, not by creed, but by a common purpose to embrace the compassionate wisdom of all ages and cultures, in order to realize a community of love, peace, and justice for all.
We do not ask what you believe, nor expect you to think as we do. Rather, our community encourages its members to pursue the deepening of their own religious conviction. This liberal church is united, not by creed, but by a common purpose to embrace the compassionate wisdom of all ages and cultures, in order to realize a community of love, peace, and justice for all.