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Denomination: Church of England

Holy Trinity Church Hatton Warwick welcomes Christians and those who seek to understand Christianity in the Hatton area. Our aim is to make contact with and encourage others to join us in our life-enhancing Christian journey.
Holy Trinity Church Hatton Warwick at Hatton, Warwickshire is a friendly Christian community where we welcome others to join us in our worship and service to God. Our emphasis is on learning and understanding the Bible and following the example of Jesus and his followers.
The vision of Holy Trinity Church Hatton Warwick is to make an impact for God, here in Hatton, Warwickshire by helping people understand the enriching messages of eternal hope given to us by Jesus Christ through His words and deeds. Come just as you are - we'd love to get to know you better.

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All Age Harvest Festival Communion Service
Sunday 16th October: 10am All Age Harvest Festival communion service at Holy Trinity Church, Hatton led by Revd Keith Mobberley. We will be joined by children from Ferncumbe School who will perform some of their Harvest songs, plus Kaleidoscope Kids. If you would like to donate food for the service please bring only tinned or packet food with you that will afterwards be distributed to those in need through a local charity. Breakfast will be served from 9.15am for anyone who would like to come.
This follows our ever-popular Harvest Supper which will be held at Hatton Village Hall, Birmingham Road, Hatton, Warwick on Saturday 15th October at 7pm. Tickets £15 per adult, children under 14 free. Buffet Supper; Bar; Raffle, with tickets available from Liz McSporran-Bates tel. 01926 495922 or Anita White tel.01926 484293 or email
A chance to enjoy a traditional Harvest Supper and meet with friends old and new. Proceeds from the supper will go to Hatton & Haseley churches, with proceeds from the raffle going to Northleigh School for bullied children.
Sunday 16th October 2016 at 10:00 AM for 1 hour
Holy Communion with Kaleidoscope Kids
Holy Communion Service with Kaleidoscope Kids for younger members of the congregation
Every first Sunday at 10:00 AM for 1 hour
until Saturday 31st December 2016
Holy Communion Service
Usual Common Worship Holy Communion Service held on Second Sunday of the month.
Every second Sunday at 10:00 AM for 1 hour
until Saturday 31st December 2016
Holy Communion with Kaleidoscope Kids
Holy Communion with Kaleidoscope Kids (Sunday School) for younger members of the congregation
Every third Sunday at 10:00 AM for 1 hour
until Saturday 31st December 2016
Holy Communion Service with Prayer Ministry
Holy Communion with Prayer Ministry (healing) at 10am
Every fourth Sunday at 10:00 AM for 1 hour
until Saturday 31st December 2016

A4177 Birmingham Road Hatton Warwickshire United Kingdom CV35 7LB

  • Revd. Keith Mobberley

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