Denomination: Baptist
Hall Green Baptist Church is a member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB), the Heart of England Baptist Association (HEBA), and the local multi-denominational Churches Together in Hall Green (CTHG).
We are a warm, caring and friendly church with 50+ in the fellowship. Worship on a Sunday morning is a mixture of traditional and modern styles with fortnightly communion. Our purpose is to encourage missionary disciples, to be good neighbours in our local community and enable all people to experience a closer relationship with God. We do this by holding to the ‘5 Core Values’ of the BUGB where we are called to be:
A worshipping community, offering all to God in prayer.
A missionary community, making known the redeeming love of God.
A sacrificial community, generously giving from all that God has given us.
An inclusive community, sharing the hospitality of God’s Kingdom with all.
A prophetic community, challenging powers that oppress and corrupt.
We acknowledge God’s grace, given to us through Jesus Christ, and both individually and as a Church, we pray for his guidance and support as we endeavour to fulfil our calling and covenant together to:
Give a personal example of Christian living in the wider world, and to serve others whoever they may be, so that the love of God may be shared among all in need.
Attend, whenever possible, services of public worship, and particularly to be present regularly for Holy Communion, in order to join with others in offering worship to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Maintain the practice of prayer and the reading of the Bible, both personally and as part of the worshipping Church.
Participate in the governing of the Church, under God, by attending, whenever possible, Church meetings, and being prepared to consider prayerfully calls to service and leadership, that together we may discover the will of God for the Church, and endeavour to carry it out.
Love and care for each other in the community of the Church, as Christ loves us, doing all in our power to maintain the peace of the fellowship.
Associate with other Christians, both Baptist and other denominations, locally, nationally and internationally.
Make our resources, time, skills and money available to the Church.
Use all our influence to win disciples for Christ, and to encourage others to prepare for baptism, and to build up the fellowship of the Church.
We are a warm, caring and friendly church with 50+ in the fellowship. Worship on a Sunday morning is a mixture of traditional and modern styles with fortnightly communion. Our purpose is to encourage missionary disciples, to be good neighbours in our local community and enable all people to experience a closer relationship with God. We do this by holding to the ‘5 Core Values’ of the BUGB where we are called to be:
A worshipping community, offering all to God in prayer.
A missionary community, making known the redeeming love of God.
A sacrificial community, generously giving from all that God has given us.
An inclusive community, sharing the hospitality of God’s Kingdom with all.
A prophetic community, challenging powers that oppress and corrupt.
We acknowledge God’s grace, given to us through Jesus Christ, and both individually and as a Church, we pray for his guidance and support as we endeavour to fulfil our calling and covenant together to:
Give a personal example of Christian living in the wider world, and to serve others whoever they may be, so that the love of God may be shared among all in need.
Attend, whenever possible, services of public worship, and particularly to be present regularly for Holy Communion, in order to join with others in offering worship to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Maintain the practice of prayer and the reading of the Bible, both personally and as part of the worshipping Church.
Participate in the governing of the Church, under God, by attending, whenever possible, Church meetings, and being prepared to consider prayerfully calls to service and leadership, that together we may discover the will of God for the Church, and endeavour to carry it out.
Love and care for each other in the community of the Church, as Christ loves us, doing all in our power to maintain the peace of the fellowship.
Associate with other Christians, both Baptist and other denominations, locally, nationally and internationally.
Make our resources, time, skills and money available to the Church.
Use all our influence to win disciples for Christ, and to encourage others to prepare for baptism, and to build up the fellowship of the Church.