Denomination: The Fellowship
Welcome to Grace Baptist Church. It is my privilege to serve the Lord in the role of pastor here at Grace. This does not mean that I am the man in charge or the CEO of some religious organization, for Christ is the head of the church. It is God’s church and he has chosen to work through the humble, weak, lowly, and even the foolish so there is never any doubt as to who receives the Glory. God alone is worthy! It is my desire that Grace be a church on the move, zealous for the glory of God and passionate about making him known in their community both in word and in deed.
As someone who loves the Lord and loves His Word it is my heart’s desire that Grace would boldly proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ. That God sent his son, to die for us. As scripture tells us, all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and therefore are guilty before a Holy and righteous God. Except, His son, Jesus Christ, willingly went to the cross on our behalf to bear the full penalty of our sin. It is because of the shedding of Christ’s blood that salvation has been made available to all. But we do not worship a dead man or a martyr. Just as it was part of God’s plan that Jesus would die on the cross it was also His plan to raise him up to life again. We serve a risen saviour and scripture teaches that all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).For there is salvation in no one else (Acts 4:12). Man’s greatest need is a spiritual one and so it is my desire that if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour that you would come to know Him and love Him with all your heart and then walk in obedience to His Word.
Life is short. The older I get the faster it seems to go, and the busier it gets. I am constantly reminded of the words found in Psalm 90:12 “Lord teach us to number our days”. I pray that we always seize the opportunities that God gives us to serve him and share him with others.
God Bless
Pastor Mike
As someone who loves the Lord and loves His Word it is my heart’s desire that Grace would boldly proclaim the truth about Jesus Christ. That God sent his son, to die for us. As scripture tells us, all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and therefore are guilty before a Holy and righteous God. Except, His son, Jesus Christ, willingly went to the cross on our behalf to bear the full penalty of our sin. It is because of the shedding of Christ’s blood that salvation has been made available to all. But we do not worship a dead man or a martyr. Just as it was part of God’s plan that Jesus would die on the cross it was also His plan to raise him up to life again. We serve a risen saviour and scripture teaches that all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).For there is salvation in no one else (Acts 4:12). Man’s greatest need is a spiritual one and so it is my desire that if you do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour that you would come to know Him and love Him with all your heart and then walk in obedience to His Word.
Life is short. The older I get the faster it seems to go, and the busier it gets. I am constantly reminded of the words found in Psalm 90:12 “Lord teach us to number our days”. I pray that we always seize the opportunities that God gives us to serve him and share him with others.
God Bless
Pastor Mike