Denomination: First Baptist
We are a Christian Outreach Centre in Brantford, Ontario, which seeks to meet the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the people in our community by sharing Christ's love within a caring environment.
A typical week at Friendship House includes a Breakfast Club, After School Kids Programs, Food Bank, Community Closet, Dewdrop Inn, and much, much more.
We become just, by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions. (Aristotle.)
"We"God's Love in Action!"
A typical week at Friendship House includes a Breakfast Club, After School Kids Programs, Food Bank, Community Closet, Dewdrop Inn, and much, much more.
We become just, by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions. (Aristotle.)
"We"God's Love in Action!"