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Denomination: Bible Churches

The Focus of the Ministry: The early church continually devoted themselves to six essentials which are the heart of the ministry at Fort Dick Bible Church: teaching/preaching, fellowship, worship, prayer, ministry and evangelism (Acts 2:42-47).

WORSHIP is reflecting back to God our delight in His supremacy. Worship occurs through our obedience, praise of God, prayer, sharing, singing, and all the different ways, public and private, that we express to God how great we think He is.

PREACHING/TEACHING is the proclamation of God’s Word. We believe preaching/teaching is of prime importance in equipping believers for all areas of life. All saving knowledge and living for God’s glory grow out of the wisdom God has revealed in the Scriptures.

FELLOWSHIP is sharing life together in Christ. Through Him we have new spiritual birth and are made part of a new community — the Family of God. At Fort Dick, we place a premium upon deepening those relationships. As we gather together to share life in Jesus, we are built up in love and are transformed into His likeness.

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Worship Time - Sunday 10:45am
Children's SS All Ages - Sunday 9:30am
High School SS Class - Sunday 9:30am
Adults SS Men's CE Building - Sunday 9:30am
Adults SS Women's Auditorium - Sunday 9:30am

Wednesday AWANA CE Building Age 3 yrs - 8th Grade - 6:30pm

6725 Lake Earl Drive Crescent City California United States 95531

  • Roger Daley

    Senior Pastor
  • AmyLynn Harp

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