Denomination: Interdenominational
Our Vision
Our vision is to impact the unchurched of the world for God, starting in our surrounding counties.
Our purpose is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ by enjoying Him and partnering with Him to build His church.
The mission of Faith Promise Church is to lead people into experiencing and growing their relationship with God.
Our strategy is to create relevant environments where people can meet with God, experience community with believers, and reach their potential.
Our Values
People are our priority:
We believe that the lost matter more! Jesus said, "Leave the ninety-nine and go and find the one lost sheep." His commission is clear to all Christ followers: "Make disciples of all nations...." We will do everything better in heaven except win the lost. Our focus is not buildings or programs, but people. Jesus died for people, and they are our priority. We will continue to add sites, seats, and services to make it hard to go to hell from East Tennessee.
Families are our foundation:
We believe the first thing God instituted in His brand new world was the family. Marriage between one man and one woman is His building block for civilization, and we believe it is the best place for spiritual growth. We partner with families to help build great marriages and help disciple children. Our goal is to add value to families, and never distract or take the place of the home.
Gathering for our God:
We believe in gathering for corporate public worship. We gather in large groups for celebration, exhortation, and motivation. We meet in home groups for community, discipleship, accountability, and ministry. Both gatherings are essential for spiritual development and formation. Without these gatherings, believers miss the potential placed in them by God.
God gets the last word:
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, God-breathed Word for us. The Bible is our sole source of authority. It is our guiding light and our map for here and eternity. There is no other book or revelation to compare. It is the bottom line for all we do.
Developing heaven's heart - Generosity:
We believe that our God has a generous heart. "For God so loved the world He gave...." He is most honored when we develop the same attribute. At Faith Promise we strive to teach every person to tithe his or her income and go beyond in giving to our Lord. God blesses sacrifice and generosity.
Serving is His strategy:
We believe every believer is called to serve and given a spiritual gift. Any believer not serving cannot be totally fulfilled. It is our goal to help every person at Faith Promise find his or her gift and use it within the Body of Christ. "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." I Peter 4:10
Missions are our mandate:
We believe God has called His Church to be His hands and feet as well as His voice here on this planet. We are all called to be on mission locally and globally. We care for the lost, hurting, and poor wherever we find them.
Our vision is to impact the unchurched of the world for God, starting in our surrounding counties.
Our purpose is to honor the Lord Jesus Christ by enjoying Him and partnering with Him to build His church.
The mission of Faith Promise Church is to lead people into experiencing and growing their relationship with God.
Our strategy is to create relevant environments where people can meet with God, experience community with believers, and reach their potential.
Our Values
People are our priority:
We believe that the lost matter more! Jesus said, "Leave the ninety-nine and go and find the one lost sheep." His commission is clear to all Christ followers: "Make disciples of all nations...." We will do everything better in heaven except win the lost. Our focus is not buildings or programs, but people. Jesus died for people, and they are our priority. We will continue to add sites, seats, and services to make it hard to go to hell from East Tennessee.
Families are our foundation:
We believe the first thing God instituted in His brand new world was the family. Marriage between one man and one woman is His building block for civilization, and we believe it is the best place for spiritual growth. We partner with families to help build great marriages and help disciple children. Our goal is to add value to families, and never distract or take the place of the home.
Gathering for our God:
We believe in gathering for corporate public worship. We gather in large groups for celebration, exhortation, and motivation. We meet in home groups for community, discipleship, accountability, and ministry. Both gatherings are essential for spiritual development and formation. Without these gatherings, believers miss the potential placed in them by God.
God gets the last word:
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, God-breathed Word for us. The Bible is our sole source of authority. It is our guiding light and our map for here and eternity. There is no other book or revelation to compare. It is the bottom line for all we do.
Developing heaven's heart - Generosity:
We believe that our God has a generous heart. "For God so loved the world He gave...." He is most honored when we develop the same attribute. At Faith Promise we strive to teach every person to tithe his or her income and go beyond in giving to our Lord. God blesses sacrifice and generosity.
Serving is His strategy:
We believe every believer is called to serve and given a spiritual gift. Any believer not serving cannot be totally fulfilled. It is our goal to help every person at Faith Promise find his or her gift and use it within the Body of Christ. "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." I Peter 4:10
Missions are our mandate:
We believe God has called His Church to be His hands and feet as well as His voice here on this planet. We are all called to be on mission locally and globally. We care for the lost, hurting, and poor wherever we find them.