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Denomination: Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church

Faith Presbyterian Church is a church plant in Tillsonburg Ontario committed to the proclamation of the gospel of the glory of Christ.

We are a congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod.

The Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (ARP) is a Reformed and Presbyterian denomination that has been serving North America since its beginnings in 1782. The ARP was formed when the Associate Presbyterians (a denomination which dates back to 1733 in Scotland) and the Reformed Presbyterians (a group whose beginnings date back to the covenanters in 17th century Scotland) joined together in Philadelphia.

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Worship Times

Morning Worship: 10:00 am
Afternoon Worship: 3:00 pm

101 Bidwell St Tillsonburg Ontario Canada N4G 3V1

  • Rev. Henry Bartsch

  • Mr. John Moerman

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