Denomination: Evangelical Lutheran
Faith Lutheran is a diverse and welcoming church in South Winnipeg. We are a mission-minded congregation, supporting a day-care, seniors' life lease residence, and personal care home ministry. Regular support of time, talent and treasures assist with CLWR, Christmas hampers, Winnipeg Harvest, The Urban ministry, emergency local relief and refugee sponsorship. We are also a very musical congregation. The community gathers in traditional and contemporary worship and hosts a variety of instrumental, vocal and hand bell ensembles that appeal to a wide range of musical tastes. Our many education, fellowship and service opportunities encourage us to grow in faith and love. Our Sunday School and Youth Group are energetic and fun. The styles of worship and music may vary, and the age and background of our members may vary, but the core of the Gospel remains the same-God's tenacious and seeking love for us expressed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, who is the Christ.