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Denomination: Non Denominational

We are one church that meets in multiple locations throughout the Matanuska-Susitna Valley, making us a multi-site congregation. In addition to our passion for the Mat-Su, we are also compelled to develop gospel centered gatherings in every Alaskan community.

We have a high value for local and global missions and support teams serving in places like Africa, Iraq, Sudan, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Peru, Nepal, China, Myanmar, Belgium, Bulgaria and the farthest reaches of the earth as well as right here in our own Alaskan backyard.

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Celebration Service Times

Sundays 8am, 10am & 12:00pm

3571 W. Machen Dr Wasilla Alaska United States 99654

  • Jonathan Walker

    Lead Pastor
  • Sheryl Wagner

    Administrative Assistant
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