Denomination: Roman Catholic
Mission Statement
As pilgrims on the journey we aim to work together towards creating a vibrant faith filled Parish where we will follow Christ by the way we live our lives in loving caring service of one another and together we offer welcome and hospitality to people who come to live among us.
We take as our hallmark the Lord's words
"In so far as you did this to one of the least of my people you did it to me" Matthew 25:10
As pilgrims on the journey we aim to work together towards creating a vibrant faith filled Parish where we will follow Christ by the way we live our lives in loving caring service of one another and together we offer welcome and hospitality to people who come to live among us.
We take as our hallmark the Lord's words
"In so far as you did this to one of the least of my people you did it to me" Matthew 25:10