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Denomination: Lutheran

All Are Welcome at Christ the King

Christ the King is a caring Community made up of individuals who love God, each other and those God gives us to care for. No one is a stranger at Christ the King. We welcome all our brothers and sisters in Christ, regardless of race, gender, economic status, marital status or age. We firmly believe that God’s grace is for all of God’s people.

Our Beginnings in Mooresville

In August of 2013, to fulfill a need for a Luteran congregation in Mooresville, Christ the King began holding services at the American Legion Post on Main Street in Mooresville. The American Legion was very supportive of our Lutheran Mission and helped us greatly as we got our start. In November of 2015, we were able to purchase a building at 6845 East Old State Road 144. We are excited about this growth opportunity.


We gather weekly to celebrate God’s Word and the Sacrament of Holy communion and to hear and experience God’s creative and redeeming love for the world.

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Sunday Services

Traditional Lutheran Service – 10:00am

We look forward to seeing you there!

6845 E State Road Mooresville Indiana United States 46158

  • Eric L. Ebb

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