Denomination: Lutheran Church
To the glory of God, we have proclaimed the Good News to the Los Lunas community since December 19, 1977. God, through Paul, teaches us to know nothing except Christ Jesus crucified. Jesus is our Lord, who loved us so much that He died on a cross to forgive us our sins and give us precious life, now and for eternity. By God’s miraculous working, in Christ’s death, He won victory over Satan and all other powers and authorities, including death itself. Christ rose from the dead and lives and reigns as King of kings to all eternity. Our name, Christ the King, gives glory to God for all He has done for us through His victorious Son, Jesus.
We strive to be firmly established in God’s Word through Sunday adult Bible Study and children’s Sunday School, Wednesday morning Bible Study (in topical format), Adult Information Classes covering the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, summer Vacation Bible School for our young children, Confirmation Instruction for our 7th and 8th graders, and periodic classes on theology and current events. Pre-marital counseling and instruction, parenting classes and pastoral counseling are available by making arrangements with our pastor. Our ladies are very active in outreach through our Women’s Lutheran Missionary League (LWML) and the Altar Guild. Ladies of all ages are encouraged to be involved.
We strive to be firmly established in God’s Word through Sunday adult Bible Study and children’s Sunday School, Wednesday morning Bible Study (in topical format), Adult Information Classes covering the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, summer Vacation Bible School for our young children, Confirmation Instruction for our 7th and 8th graders, and periodic classes on theology and current events. Pre-marital counseling and instruction, parenting classes and pastoral counseling are available by making arrangements with our pastor. Our ladies are very active in outreach through our Women’s Lutheran Missionary League (LWML) and the Altar Guild. Ladies of all ages are encouraged to be involved.