Denomination: Lutheran Church
Welcome to Christ Lutheran in Hilo Hawaii!
As the pastor since July 2017, I am continually amazed by the way God has blessed this community of believers in Jesus!
If you live locally, of course we welcome you to come by and be our guests. We're a friendly, but not pushy group of followers of Jesus who want you to not only hear about God's love for you, but to experience it first hand. If I can be of assistance to you in your walk of faith or you have a prayer concern, please contact me. And, if you're checking us out from off the of the big island, we welcome your partnership with us from wherever you are as you pray for us and in whatever way you might like to help support the ministry here. Of course, when you travel to our island, please come see us! Mahalo.
Blessings in Christ, Pastor Mark
As the pastor since July 2017, I am continually amazed by the way God has blessed this community of believers in Jesus!
If you live locally, of course we welcome you to come by and be our guests. We're a friendly, but not pushy group of followers of Jesus who want you to not only hear about God's love for you, but to experience it first hand. If I can be of assistance to you in your walk of faith or you have a prayer concern, please contact me. And, if you're checking us out from off the of the big island, we welcome your partnership with us from wherever you are as you pray for us and in whatever way you might like to help support the ministry here. Of course, when you travel to our island, please come see us! Mahalo.
Blessings in Christ, Pastor Mark