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Denomination: United Church of Canada

Central United Church is a congregation that grew out of a Methodist mission established in 1861 to share the teachings of Christ.

The Central United Church congregation worships in a heritage building in downtown Sault Ste. Marie, three blocks from the busiest shipping channel in the world, the St. Mary's River. Central United Church is a congregation that grew out of a Methodist mission established in 1861 to share the teachings of Christ with the First People of Garden River.

The congregation worshiped in a variety of locations including the "Old Stone House" until the present church was built in the early 1900's. The sanctuary is wheelchair accessible and equipped with hearing aid assists. Come and enjoy warm fellowship, joyful worship and one of Canada's finest pipe organs, a magnificent 3300 pipe Casavant opus.

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Join us for worship at 10:30am Sundays.

Coffee and Fellowship after the service

160 Spring St Sault Ste Marie Ontario Canada P6A 3A5

  • Rev. Laurie Milito

    Lead Minister
  • Martha Chiarella

    Administrative Coordinator
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