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Denomination: Community Church

Beliefs & Mission

At Calvary Community, our vision is to be people who live and love like Jesus.

We believe

The Bible is the inspired Word of God.

There is one true and eternal God.

He exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is God's eternal Son.

The Holy Spirit convinces us to repent of our sin and trust Jesus Christ as Savior.

Men and women were created in God's image, separated from God by sin, and forgiven through rebirth in Christ.

The Church is the living body of Christ on earth.

Jesus Christ will return to earth as King.

Our Core Values

As a church, we are committed to being:

Centered in Christ.

Guided by the Word.

Empowered by the Spirit.

Committed to the Gospel.

Constant in Prayer.

Devoted as Disciples.

Faithful in Stewardship.

Compassionate in Attitude.

Authentic in Relationships.

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Weekend Services: Saturdays @ 6pm

Sundays @ 9am and 11am

2018 Lenten Schedule

Good Friday Service, 3/30 @ 7pm

Easter Services: Saturday, 3/31 @ 4pm and 6pm

Sunday, 4/1 @ 7am, 9am, and 11am

5495 Via Rocas Westlake Village California United States 91362

  • Shawn Thornton

    Senior Pastor
  • Doug Lemen

    Welcome and Communications Executive Director
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