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Denomination: Church of Christ

The Burley Church of Christ is a family of God's children who are saved by the grace of God and committed to serving our Lord and our fellow man. Here you will find people of all ages and from many walks of life who have been called into a united fellowship of love and acceptance. We rejoice in the precious gifts the Lord has given us, and we are eager to share those gifts and blessings with you. If you reside in this area, please know that there is a special place for you and your family in this church family.

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Times of Worship Services and Bible Classes

Worship in homes. Call for more information.


Bible Class: 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Evening Worship: 6:00 p.m. (In homes, call for location)


Bible Class: 7:00 p.m. (In homes, call for location)

2000 Oakley Avenue Burley Idaho United States 83318

  • Lee A. Williams

  • Silbano Garcia, II

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